Customer: Krāslava Municipality Council, 2010-2011.
Southeastern part of Krāslava historic town is an 18th century national monument of urban development (VKPAI Nr.7434) and is symbol of the city.
The master plan includes:
- Current and historical description of the site, pedestrians and traffic flow study, analysis of tourist sites, greenfields and landscape, and survey of valuable historical buildings and historical elements;
- Proposals for improvement of environmental design elements, renovation of most valuable buildings and improvement of perspective views;
- Utilities improvement programme and technical solutions for developing green spaces and greenery (18.November square, square next to the Roman Catholic church, square between Lāčplēša and Brīvības Street, square next to the Baznīcas and Raiņa Street crossing, square next to the “Latgale māte raud”, streets in the centre);
- Maps and environmental plans of cultural heritage preservation and development plan (1:200);
- Color palette for the model;
- Public awareness measures (population survey, public consultation, three informative seminars and articles in newspapers).